Soldier Suicide Prevention


“All Soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership.” Build relationships and gain the trust of your Soldiers. Build an environment that makes you approachable for your Soldiers for whatever their needs are. Helping your Soldiers grow by giving then the opportunity for growth professionally and personally. Grow is the first step because it helps you gain your soldiers trust, if Soldiers lose trust, they will no longer respect or come to you with any issues. Soldiers Grow at all levels from the lowest enlisted to the most senior officer. “Everyone is a safety” Soldiers need an environment where they can trust and know that they can turn to you or their peers in their time of need, and that you will be there to answer the phone with the correct information and resources.


“I will know my Soldiers and will always place their needs above my own.” Educating yourself and your peers on the red flags and noticing the differences in someone’s attitudes. Connecting with your Soldiers on and off duty to make a connection and a trusting bond. If you do not connect with your Soldiers, how can you tell if someone is acting different? Noticing someone has been showing red flags, acting different, overly stressed, or distracted could be your first warning sign. Ask if they need help and learn what their stressors are. Educate Soldiers and get them in contact with the resources available to help with financial issues, childcare, employment, or any other resources that may be helpful. There are options that could help and relieve Soldiers before you get to the next step.


“I will be loyal to those with whom I serve, Seniors, Peers, and subordinates alike.” ask “Are you thinking of committing Suicide” being direct and not “dancing around” the question is the best way to get your results. Being there for your Soldier and communicating lets them know that you are listening and that you want to help. This builds a connection gives the Soldier a lifeline.


“I will not compromise my integrity nor my moral courage” Respect your Soldiers during every step. If they need help, help them. They came to you with a problem and want you to help. Respond professionally by getting the Soldiers to the right Resources available.


 “My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind- accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my Soldiers” Talk to your Soldiers. Losing one Soldier is too many. A Soldier loss can affect the entire mission and the stigma in a unit. Be there for your Soldier and be the change. Physically show them that they have a resource right in front of them that is willing and able to help.

Contact Us:

Facebook: 109th MP BN Enlisted Council and Family Support Group ( www.facebook.com/groups/1070119613926122/ )

Email: 109fsg@gmail.com