The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) / SHARP program helps to achieve the goal of the Secretary of Defense to eradicate sexual assault and sexual harassment from the military. SAPR helps to create a Military culture where all Service Members have the values, tools, and skills to prevent sexual violence. SAPR also provides sensitive care and confidential reporting for victims of sexual assault.


(1) Create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents, which impact Army personnel, Army civilians, and Family members, and, if an incident should occur, ensure that victims and subjects are treated according to Army policy.

(2) Create a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault without fear.

(3) Establish sexual assault prevention training and awareness programs to educate Soldiers.

(4) Ensure sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and Well-being.

(5) Ensure leaders understand their roles and responsibilities regarding response to sexual assault victims, thoroughly investigate allegations of sexual assault, and take appropriate administrative and disciplinary action. subjects are treated according to Army policy.

109th MP BN VA Rep.

 SFC Robert Henderson

109th MP BN VA

Cell: (336)589-4954

Mr. Kristian Hall

JFHQ SAPR Officer and Lead SARC

O: (984) 664- 6909

C: (919) 410- 1960

Equal Opportunity

The North Carolina Equal Employment Office covers all matter related to Equal Employment for our technician and all M Day Soldiers as well.  The Office can provide all levels of Annual training or address any needs that fall between Annual requirements. We are committed in building the roster of equal opportunity leaders (EOL’s) throughout the ranks. The EOL’s are the frontline for advising and educating the force. We offer courses over the training year. If you are a EOL and are interested in moving to the next level, please contact this Office. Promotable E6’s are eligible to be placed in an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) role at the BDE level.  Aspiring EOA’s attend the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute located in Florida. On the civilian side of the North Carolina National Guard we are currently seeking personal to fill the Equal Employment Counselor roles. You would have a chance to work directly with the civilian members of the organization. You would provide vital information about the EEO process, gather information and assist in resolving matters informally.  We welcome any inquires related to wanting to become an agent of change and subject matter expert in the EO/EEO world.

Our Mission Statement:

The Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity programs strive to achieve an organizational culture where equal opportunity, diversity management, and inclusion is valued as a key personnel readiness multiplier and is a critical element to accomplishing the mission. Be an organization where Soldiers, Airmen, and civilians can start at any level and achieve any goal based solely on merit, attitude, and capability.

Contact Us:

North Carolina National Guard

State Equal Employment Manager


HR EO Senior Enlisted Advisor



Public Website: > Services and Support > Crisis Intervention Services

Contact Us:

Facebook: 109th MP BN Enlisted Council and Family Support Group ( )
